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Rutter Mills
Rutter Mills
Robert Mills
Senior Partner at Rutter Mills

Robert Mills is the Senior Partner at Rutter Mills. For well over 30 years, Robert Mills has been a litigator. He has experience in defending high profile clients such as General Motors, Ford, as well as major insurance companies before he switched sides to now represent plaintiffs.

Legal Areas of Specialization:

  • Personal Injury (including but not limited to: serious injury, death, liability)

As the Senior Partner, he is heavily involved in all cases that Rutter Mills deals with.

If you have been in an accident or serious injury and in need of a lawyer, please check out our website or give us a call us a call for a free consultation!

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              Rutter Mills - Norfolk VA Lawyers
              Rutter Mills - Norfolk VA Lawyers
              Rutter Mills - Norfolk VA Lawyers

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